Friday, October 3, 2014

Love God, Love Others


We will never be perfect humans, only when we are changed into our new bodies will we be perfect. As much as we would like to be perfect, the best we can do is absorb the Holy Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to change us as we willingly trust Him and obey His commands.

There are so many people that think that loving other people is hard. In my personal opinion, the only way this is hard is if you cannot part with one or both of these two things. Time or money.

Loving others takes some kind of sacrifice. If you have an eager heart to love others, it may take more for it to 'feel' like a sacrifice, but the truth is, you must give up something to love others. Time itself can be even more valuable than money, so don't let your finances hold you back from loving others. And don't let tithing make you feel like you're doing all you can to show love.

One of the most easy ways to show love to others is just to smile and talk to them. In our fast paced world of techno involved people,  how many of you can honestly say you take time to say hi to strangers, or even exchange a smile? I bet you'll be surprised at your own revelation.

I don't know of many people nowadays that isn't going through their own type of trials. Whether you believe in God or not, He wants you to love Him first, and people next. These people need our love, and more than that, they need HIS love!

You may think that you don't have time or you may be the shy type, but you don't have to do anything at all except allow the Holy Spirit to do it through you! The facts are,  you can't do anything without Christ! It isn't YOU that is loving the people, it is God using you as His love tool in order to reach others! I can't figure a better purpose for my life!

The next time you're out and about, just try to smile and say hi to as many people as you can. If you find it difficult, ask God for the strength to do it. He will help you, I promise! Ask and ye shall receive! He will give anyone that asks the ability!

Pretty soon that will become easy and saying hi to people will not be enough for you. Pretty soon you'll need to find out more about the people you're talking to. This is what humans are meant to do, love one another.

As you find yourself more comfortable talking to people that you don't know, share your love about God with them. It is becoming more and more important that people hear how loving God is. So many don't even know how loving He is! This is where we can change that by sharing how He loves us with them!

What I have found is, God's blessings are never one sided. I can set out to bless someone else without even wanting anything, which is the TRUE way to bless someone, but our Loving Father ALWAYS blesses me in return. This is not why we should bless others, it is a gift that He gives for loving His children. He truly is an amazingly loving God, and He's asking for our help to love others.

If you're super shy, use the first week to start to notice people that need love, and say a short prayer for them. This is love. As you go along, the Holy Spirit may even tell you a way you can help them feel better. Start somewhere today, and I promise you'll experience God's love in such an amazing way, you'll become addicted to the feeling of loving for God. And THAT'S THE BEST thing to get addicted to next to being in love WITH God, imho 😃

Before you go out, ask God to help you be a blessing to anyone that He wants you to bless, and to help you because you know that without Him, you can't do it.
John 15:5 KJV
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

Then decide in your mind that no matter how you may feel, scared, weird or strange, through Christ's help you can do ANYTHING!
Philippians 4:13 KJV
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Remember that when you ask for God's help, He will give it and I know you'll be blessed each time you make someone smile. It will also encourage you.
Matthew 7:7-8 KJV
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Also, if you're shy, remember that through Christ, you are MORE than a conqueror and if you can do spiritual battle for the Lord through Christ, you can love others with ease!  It will build your strength and faith and make you feel God's love and peace in your own heart.
Romans 8:37 KJV
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Go on out there and let your light shine among the people, you may just help God bring someone to the Kingdom for eternal life! 👼🌎🌏🌍💖 the whole WORLD needs His love! Will YOU be His warrior today?
Tag #LoveInActionProject on Twitter if you want to share how much sharing God's love has made you happy! Encourage other believers!

God bless and keep you all!

Monday, September 29, 2014


Recently Shared Testimony

I recently shared this testimony on another blog, but thought I'd add it to my blog as well. I pray it blesses you!

Baby "A" & Baby "B"

Hi, all!  I have a lot of testimonies but one of my favorite is of my twin grandsons. My daughter already had a 5 year old daughter, and so getting pregnant again wasn't quite the plan, lol.
Due to some issues that need to stay private, the health of the babies and my daughter was on the rocky side, but we all believed God would make it happen in His own beautiful way, no matter what. We accepted nothing less than a miracle, yet handed the situation to God knowing things could turn out hard on our hearts.
Around that time I had been trying to get my daughter and her fiance to come to church and they started and loved it. Her fiance had a hunger for reading the Word like I've never seen in someone else, and God showed him the verse we were to pray over the the twins. 1 Samuel 1:27 was the scripture and it was perfect. We prayed, the whole family, the church, friends, and anyone that would let me beg to do it lol.
Times were not easy but God let us know He was there through it all. There were a few false labor scares, but even the doctors said that the way they were conceived, and the fact of the type of identical twins they were, was an act of God! I never knew a doctor to speak of God so freely! I think that is one of the blessings God gave me, at least to keep such strong peace and faith.
My daughter grew and grew! My heart ached at how hard it must have been for her to go through that, knowing what I went through bearing only one at a time! She was SO determined to try to have them naturally, I of course called her crazy, haha, but supported her decision, reluctantly. I stood to lose 3 loved ones at this point, yet I did not think of it but one time.
She was 4 or 5 weeks away from full term when she had to have an emergency c-section. We waited so anxiously to find out what was going on. My sister Grandma, as we fondly call each other, also known as Nana, and her daughter, and I all waited as patient as we could. You see, baby 'A' decided to try and wave to the docs and his elbow started to come through her cervix. There was no natural birth possible.
After what seemed like days, we saw them cart baby 'B' directly to the NICU due to minor breathing problems but he was healthy otherwise at first glance, praise God! We prayed all was well as it looked and got better fast!
On her way to the NICU, the nurse was kind enough to let us have a peek at this handsome baby! He was so tiny! Only 4lbs. But we were so grateful to see him! AND hear him, praise God he was crying! Loudly lol!
We waited and waited to find out about baby 'A', it took a bit but finally we got to go see him. He was born at 4lbs 1oz, and they are truly identical aside from 1oz. It was so amazing the church, loved ones, family members and friends all had prayed, but our Father delivered 2 perfectly beautiful blessings!
Because of the health issue not mentioned, baby 'A' shortly had to go to the NICU as well, just after being able to meet his parents, sister and great grandmother, both grandmothers and an aunt.
With the millions of things that could have gone wrong, the twins only spent 1 week in the hospital, and though my daughter wanted to breast feed, their tiny size prevented that, but they overcame all physical challenges they faced, and went home a week later on the dot.
When I think of all of the blessings shown to us just in their lives it brings tears to my eyes. They are nearing a year and a half old, and you would never know they were preemies. They are so smart and silly and God is so good!
Had He decided to take them Home, He still would be good, of course, but unwavering faith truly does speak loudly. I never doubted that no matter the outcome, God was there. And He still is!

The details left out are so immense, but I will tell you every one speaks louder of the amazing love God has for us all, if we would only believe Him! Fittingly enough, big sis' name is Grace, in which we have been given so much of by God, and I pray this encourages you to believe God's love is real! I know it and think of it everyday! 
Lastly, I would like to add that the twins despite minor problens, only spent 2 weeks in the NICU when they could have had many more problems! Glory to God they are doing fantastic! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why The KJV?

Why use only the KJV of the Bible?

My intention of writing this blog is not necessarily to change your mind of the version that you use. However, if you are using the NIV version of the Bible, I do in fact hope that you will at least do your own research into the validity, or as I have found, how invalid it is. (Along with other new versions.)

I am not going to make this blog a super lengthly one, as we all are to test everything on our own walk with Christ. I am just offering the question in your mind, is what you're reading, actually the truly inspired Word of God?

2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Verse 17 says that this is so the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works.

Romans 15:5,6 tells us, now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

47 scholars most of which came from the Church of England worked on the King James Version of the Bible. They did not want one person translating the Bible and having a single person's biased view. They wanted to make sure that the Holy Spirit was what was working through them to make the translation pure and what God wanted His people to read.

It took many years, and many lives for the King James Bible to be translated into a language that we may freely read on a daily basis. We are honored beyond what we can understand to have this version in our hands and at our side anytime that we want. Before the King James Version people that did not know Greek or Arabic or Hebrew could not just get their Bibles out and read and be edified by God's Word. They had to go to synagogues and learn from other people.

We are more blessed than we can even understand at times. Many people lost their lives so that we can hold Bibles in our hands, so many times in the spirit of taking advantage of the privilege. I praise and thank God that we have the Holy Spirit to help guide us through the Bible and also the fact that we have the Bible to teach us His ways and how to live a holy life in order to please Him and live in eternity with Him when He returns.

If we are all reading different translations, that change words to supposedly make it sound easier, how are we to become one in mind and spirit in the gospel? We cannot become one if we are believing different things. As you will find in your walk as you change one word it changes the whole meaning of a parable or a whole meaning of a text. One of the things the NIV changes is that Christ blood isn't what gives us the redeeming forgiveness of our sins, it totally takes that phrase out of the Bible, and not is not only heresy but disasterous to a new Christian that does not even know anything of the Christian walk and is earnestly trying to learn.

I'm not claiming to know everything, nor do I claim to be better than anyone because I believe that the King James Version is the version that is the true inspired Word of God, however I do care about my brethren enough to share what I believe to be the truth. As I mentioned already it is up to us, each and every one of us, to test the spirits of everything we take into our lives, especially God's Holy Word. It is eternally important.

I believe that God had those scholars come together and unite in the Holy Spirit to give us the King James Version of the bible.

As always, I welcome friendly debate and conversation about things, but I will not argue with others because I stand on peace. We are to walk in love and we are to bear each other's burdens. We are not to argue with each other, and as I already stated we are to be of one mind there is only one Christ that we should speak of, and when there are so many translations that people are reading from, people are believing in different Christs. Satan deceived Eve with the Word, and he tried to deceive Jesus Himself with the Word. What makes us think that he wouldn't try it with us?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

How Can One Challenge God?

How Dare We Think We Know Better?

In all of my life, I have never seen so many people challenge what God wrote in the Bible. Yes, God had man write what is in the Bible. But God inspired every word and every placement of each word for our benefit.

I am speaking to Christians of today, which seems to be a falling number as the days go by. People that are willing to believe that Christ died on the cross and rose three days later so that we can be free from the chains that sin had on our life. Chains that we brought into our own lives, He paid for willingly, and that His Word is our Truth to live by. I am not speaking to the people that do not believe in Christ, although I would hope that you would come to know Him and how much He loves you and what He gave for your righteousness that you do not even deserve. He loves you so much that He died for you!

All one has to do is turn on the news, the very biased news at that, and see that we are in very dire times. It is actually dangerous time for Christians. We love Jesus with all of our hearts and yet there are so many Christians that will have the nerve to turn away from what God has given to us as a blessing, His Holy Bible. Even reading what the Bible says about how men will turn away from the truth, they turn away from the very truth that is written before them just so they can coddle their flesh, just so they can have their own way, without even realizing that God has given these instructions for our very own good, for our very own life, for our souls to live forever. Not to die in the Lake of Fire.

I find it all very fascinating actually, I used to wonder how the falling away could actually happen. How could people look away from God knowing that it was going to happen ahead of time? How could this happen? Flesh. Our own desires. Our own greed. If we do not bow down before God and ask and beg and plead for our forgiveness, our lives will come to a very horrible end.

Perhaps the horrible news has something to do with that, perhaps they are afraid to stand up for God, and perhaps they are just a part of the deceiving ways of Satan, the falling away. Whatever the reason may be, just know that if you will stand for God to the end He will lift you up and He will glorify you, and you will live for eternity with Him

This world has become more enticed by the fleshly desires and it has ever in all of time. Our children grow up seeing more nudity than they should have the horror of having to witness. Their innocence is taken before they are even able to be innocent. It breaks my heart for the children today. The sin that fills our lives that they have no control over ruins their chances of having a normal life before it even begins, it breaks my broken heart for them into more bits.

What is wrong with what God has commanded, what is wrong with the love that He has shown, what is wrong with Him warning us of what Satan would trick us with? Nothing! There is nothing wrong with the Bible, it is with our dark heart and our dark desires that are lacking in seeing the love that God has given in the pages of the Bible. Our hearts sees it as harshness, as a lack of fun and excitement. When the truth is that if we would walk within It's walls we would know peace and happiness beyond what we could ever imagine in this world. And then comes the next world! Is it not worth it?! I refuse not to find out!

You cannot call yourself a Christian, and not try to live as the Holy Spirit leads you to live. But you're only fooling yourself if you try. The Holy Spirit would never tell you to live a life contrary to the Bible and what it teaches. The Bible itself tells you that is how you know the false prophets from the true. They will teach you the opposite of what the Bible says. How this plain truth can go past the eyes of people I do not understand other than they have a veil across their eyes. They have a veil of wanting sin across their faces that they refuse to accept the truth of what God has mandated in the Bible as good and evil.

The Bible is clear that man's ways are not God's ways, and though we may not understand that or want to accept that, God only wants the best for us, He created us out of love, and when He returns for us, anything you could have imagined as good on this planet, in this life, means nothing compared to what is to come. If you will only trust Him.

God loves each and everyone of us, though each and every one of us sins. Myself included. Just because we sin, it does not mean that He made us that way. He made us perfect and we allowed sin into our lives, we allow death into our lives, and He gave His only begotten Son to fix that. If you do not accept Christ as your Savior you cannot accept the title Christian, and if you do not accept the title of Christian with a heart of repentance, you are but a mere actor, you are not a Christian. 

Judge what is right and wrong for yourself by the Bible's Words and live as God asks, not as you wish, I'd love to worship Him in Heaven some day alongside you. Judging ppl is His job, and He will be doing it soon. Pray, along with me, to be strong enough to stand for Him on that day.

Those that speak out against sin do not hate you or anyone else, they are trying to save other souls from the grips of the devil. Satan knows his time is short, so those speaking against sin are not speaking against people, they are speaking for people. God bless and keep you all.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Judging? No, not at all

2 Timothy 4:2-5
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.  But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Jesus sat with the sinners for a reason. For many reasons actually. First of all, He loved them so much that He wanted to show His mercy to them and teach them what about their lives was sinful. Then, the ones that could see His majesty and had faith, those that believed He forgave.
However it did not just end there. He told them to go and sin no more, to turn from their evil ways, to accept His gift and to change their hearts by allowing Him into them, and rejecting the sin out of them.

Nowadays, when you speak about something being sin, you are hushed and called hateful, or even called a bigot, just because you want to show others what Jesus was showing sinners years ago. Sin ruins lives. But this is the generation spoken of in the verses above. They do not wish to hear sound doctrine. They wish to make up their own doctrine and follow that, because it hurts the flesh too much to carry their cross.

Jesus spoke of the end times, which all Christians I believe agree that we are in, and how things would be unlike they had ever been before, and we have not even come to that point of the end times, yet, and already life is becoming immoral and hard for many.

Matthew 24:21-22
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

But back to judging, which is what so many people claim is going on, if a person is trying to save you from the depths of Hell, they are doing as God has asked, to preach to others, exhort sinners to change before  it's too late. They are not judging you. They are sharing pertinent information that is life saving with you, SOUL saving! They actually care about you.

The gift of salvation is free, you cannot earn it, so many will argue that you can lead a sinful life and still be saved. This is so wrong and sad, honestly if you really understand what Jesus did on that cross for us all. He BECAME SIN for us. Every sin you commit, He felt, He paid for,and some are so willing to keep committing them. So willing to keep the lashings going on. Just because He will save us by believing in Him doesn't mean that we can live wicked lives and still be saved. That's not loving Him, or believing in Him, that's using Him.

I praise God that His punishment was paid and done,but to think of all of my sin being a lashing, a whipping, a pounding of the nails, it hurts my heart. It should hurt yours as well. It should make us not want to sin any more!

Oh, how sinful we are! We must exhort each other, we must help each other if we can, pointing the way back to Jesus where our only hope is! That's not judgment, friends, it's love.

If we truly believe what Jesus did for us and if we truly believe in Him,then we believe in the Word because He IS the Living Word.

When Christ returns He WILL judge you. If a Christian shares scriptures with you, they are loving you. NO Christian should be arrogant or condescending,but merely stating that something is sin, is NOT hate.

If you reject the bible, that is your human right, given by God even if you don't believe that, but acting hateful towards Christians that are just doing what God asked them to do doesn't make you better than a person that would be judging you, even if they were.

People are all about getting offended about things in this day and age. Instead of being offended by someone's beliefs,what's wrong with you kindly saying that isn't for you, and respect each other regardless if you agree?

Christ's gift of Salvation is free, but repentance is what you give in return, with His help by allowing Him to live in your heart. Otherwise you're not changed, you're just deluded into believing that you're born again.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gay Gene Is Satan's Lie, DNA Style

Even if science proves there's a gay gene,they're only proving that sin is hereditary,which we know already, through such things as alcoholism, addiction, and even sexual deviants.
Satan is cunning, and attacks a family how he knows it will work best. How it will steal the most souls from God. We see this happen through all kinds of sin, so why does it surprise people that being gay couldn't be the same? Sexual sin is indeed passed down through generations, and this genetic 'proof' in my opinion, is nothing more than Satan's cunning way of suppressing God from an entire lineage. Unless someone stops or breaks the chain, usually it keeps going on and on through the family. I don't even need a college degree for people to know that's true. Any victim of molestation knows that an abuser most times becomes an abuser themselves, unless they get healing and break that chain.

Unlike alcoholism though, people do not view homosexuality as something that needs to be addressed, fixed or changed, because it is all about love, right? Wrong. Homosexuality, even in countries where it is embraced, creates more depressed, addicted, abused, self loathing people, because it is NOT a healthy or normal lifestyle. Even if you are accepted to be a beautiful creation by God as an active homosexual (by deceived clergy), your lifespan and health are in grave danger, and there is a plethora of research on the matter, because the human body was not made for it and people turn their heads to the research, for fear of the chance of being called hateful bigots, that just wish steal the love away from these poor individuals that can't help how they feel.

Why will you embrace an alcoholic, or drug addict and try to heal the imbalances, that they cannot help from having either, but let the homosexual most likely die an early and self-hated death!?

Mostly I believe it is because Christians are so hated because they believe what God has ordained as sin is hateful towards them, and they don't understand the rest of the Bible, nor will they take the time try to understand, that they would much rather turn hatred towards the very people that want to show them God's love and help them.

Even if you can't accept the Christian viewpoint, homosexuals will blatantly abuse Christians and say they deserve it, all while calling themselves the loving side of humanity. How laughable that is!

Instead of picking another baker, two lesbians were allowed to make terroristic threats against innocent children of Christian bakers that refused to bake their wedding cake, but the bakers endured fines and had to go out of business. Why did they not just go to another business!? Because this is a godless nation calling for the eradication of those that believe in God, and what His Word warns Satan will use to destroy them with.

God warns because He loves you, not to spoil your fun or rob you of false 'love', but most ppl love their own desires more than they love God to see that. Just as the drunk has no choice in being tempted to drink, the homosexual has no choice to be tempted to be gay. But they all have a choice to choose God's healing! God made neither of them for sin, He made them for much better things that include healthy lives.

Whether gay ppl will accept it or not, God DOES heal homosexuality from the hearts and minds of those that desire it. But they refuse to believe this and then turn even more hateful upon those people, because it proves it is in FACT your choice who you love. Rather than be happy for someone that lived a lifestyle that was ripping their soul apart, and they were healed of it, they call them liars and fakes when their lives are made whole for THEM!

Gay people want accepted and want tolerance while they are some of the most bigoted, hateful, intolerant people I encounter!

If Christianity is not a message you want to accept, I'm the last person that would drive it down your throat. God Himself said that not all would believe, He gave you freedom to choose what you believe because He loves you,and doesn't force REAL love upon you. However,when you reject His love letter, the Bible, and the warnings of how Satan would ruin mankind, He will not help you to sin. His realness surrounds you, whether you see it or not.

I do not condone bullying of gays, hatred of any kind, but i find it so sad that people that want and need love, reject it.

You can find plenty of lying churches that say that it isn't a sin, but when it causes so much destruction on humanity, it's considered a risky sexual lifestyle in the medical world, how can you even think it is 'normal'?

It is, if anything, Satan's gene of lies.