Monday, September 29, 2014


Recently Shared Testimony

I recently shared this testimony on another blog, but thought I'd add it to my blog as well. I pray it blesses you!

Baby "A" & Baby "B"

Hi, all!  I have a lot of testimonies but one of my favorite is of my twin grandsons. My daughter already had a 5 year old daughter, and so getting pregnant again wasn't quite the plan, lol.
Due to some issues that need to stay private, the health of the babies and my daughter was on the rocky side, but we all believed God would make it happen in His own beautiful way, no matter what. We accepted nothing less than a miracle, yet handed the situation to God knowing things could turn out hard on our hearts.
Around that time I had been trying to get my daughter and her fiance to come to church and they started and loved it. Her fiance had a hunger for reading the Word like I've never seen in someone else, and God showed him the verse we were to pray over the the twins. 1 Samuel 1:27 was the scripture and it was perfect. We prayed, the whole family, the church, friends, and anyone that would let me beg to do it lol.
Times were not easy but God let us know He was there through it all. There were a few false labor scares, but even the doctors said that the way they were conceived, and the fact of the type of identical twins they were, was an act of God! I never knew a doctor to speak of God so freely! I think that is one of the blessings God gave me, at least to keep such strong peace and faith.
My daughter grew and grew! My heart ached at how hard it must have been for her to go through that, knowing what I went through bearing only one at a time! She was SO determined to try to have them naturally, I of course called her crazy, haha, but supported her decision, reluctantly. I stood to lose 3 loved ones at this point, yet I did not think of it but one time.
She was 4 or 5 weeks away from full term when she had to have an emergency c-section. We waited so anxiously to find out what was going on. My sister Grandma, as we fondly call each other, also known as Nana, and her daughter, and I all waited as patient as we could. You see, baby 'A' decided to try and wave to the docs and his elbow started to come through her cervix. There was no natural birth possible.
After what seemed like days, we saw them cart baby 'B' directly to the NICU due to minor breathing problems but he was healthy otherwise at first glance, praise God! We prayed all was well as it looked and got better fast!
On her way to the NICU, the nurse was kind enough to let us have a peek at this handsome baby! He was so tiny! Only 4lbs. But we were so grateful to see him! AND hear him, praise God he was crying! Loudly lol!
We waited and waited to find out about baby 'A', it took a bit but finally we got to go see him. He was born at 4lbs 1oz, and they are truly identical aside from 1oz. It was so amazing the church, loved ones, family members and friends all had prayed, but our Father delivered 2 perfectly beautiful blessings!
Because of the health issue not mentioned, baby 'A' shortly had to go to the NICU as well, just after being able to meet his parents, sister and great grandmother, both grandmothers and an aunt.
With the millions of things that could have gone wrong, the twins only spent 1 week in the hospital, and though my daughter wanted to breast feed, their tiny size prevented that, but they overcame all physical challenges they faced, and went home a week later on the dot.
When I think of all of the blessings shown to us just in their lives it brings tears to my eyes. They are nearing a year and a half old, and you would never know they were preemies. They are so smart and silly and God is so good!
Had He decided to take them Home, He still would be good, of course, but unwavering faith truly does speak loudly. I never doubted that no matter the outcome, God was there. And He still is!

The details left out are so immense, but I will tell you every one speaks louder of the amazing love God has for us all, if we would only believe Him! Fittingly enough, big sis' name is Grace, in which we have been given so much of by God, and I pray this encourages you to believe God's love is real! I know it and think of it everyday! 
Lastly, I would like to add that the twins despite minor problens, only spent 2 weeks in the NICU when they could have had many more problems! Glory to God they are doing fantastic! 

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