Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why The KJV?

Why use only the KJV of the Bible?

My intention of writing this blog is not necessarily to change your mind of the version that you use. However, if you are using the NIV version of the Bible, I do in fact hope that you will at least do your own research into the validity, or as I have found, how invalid it is. (Along with other new versions.)

I am not going to make this blog a super lengthly one, as we all are to test everything on our own walk with Christ. I am just offering the question in your mind, is what you're reading, actually the truly inspired Word of God?

2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Verse 17 says that this is so the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works.

Romans 15:5,6 tells us, now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

47 scholars most of which came from the Church of England worked on the King James Version of the Bible. They did not want one person translating the Bible and having a single person's biased view. They wanted to make sure that the Holy Spirit was what was working through them to make the translation pure and what God wanted His people to read.

It took many years, and many lives for the King James Bible to be translated into a language that we may freely read on a daily basis. We are honored beyond what we can understand to have this version in our hands and at our side anytime that we want. Before the King James Version people that did not know Greek or Arabic or Hebrew could not just get their Bibles out and read and be edified by God's Word. They had to go to synagogues and learn from other people.

We are more blessed than we can even understand at times. Many people lost their lives so that we can hold Bibles in our hands, so many times in the spirit of taking advantage of the privilege. I praise and thank God that we have the Holy Spirit to help guide us through the Bible and also the fact that we have the Bible to teach us His ways and how to live a holy life in order to please Him and live in eternity with Him when He returns.

If we are all reading different translations, that change words to supposedly make it sound easier, how are we to become one in mind and spirit in the gospel? We cannot become one if we are believing different things. As you will find in your walk as you change one word it changes the whole meaning of a parable or a whole meaning of a text. One of the things the NIV changes is that Christ blood isn't what gives us the redeeming forgiveness of our sins, it totally takes that phrase out of the Bible, and not is not only heresy but disasterous to a new Christian that does not even know anything of the Christian walk and is earnestly trying to learn.

I'm not claiming to know everything, nor do I claim to be better than anyone because I believe that the King James Version is the version that is the true inspired Word of God, however I do care about my brethren enough to share what I believe to be the truth. As I mentioned already it is up to us, each and every one of us, to test the spirits of everything we take into our lives, especially God's Holy Word. It is eternally important.

I believe that God had those scholars come together and unite in the Holy Spirit to give us the King James Version of the bible.

As always, I welcome friendly debate and conversation about things, but I will not argue with others because I stand on peace. We are to walk in love and we are to bear each other's burdens. We are not to argue with each other, and as I already stated we are to be of one mind there is only one Christ that we should speak of, and when there are so many translations that people are reading from, people are believing in different Christs. Satan deceived Eve with the Word, and he tried to deceive Jesus Himself with the Word. What makes us think that he wouldn't try it with us?

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