Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gay Gene Is Satan's Lie, DNA Style

Even if science proves there's a gay gene,they're only proving that sin is hereditary,which we know already, through such things as alcoholism, addiction, and even sexual deviants.
Satan is cunning, and attacks a family how he knows it will work best. How it will steal the most souls from God. We see this happen through all kinds of sin, so why does it surprise people that being gay couldn't be the same? Sexual sin is indeed passed down through generations, and this genetic 'proof' in my opinion, is nothing more than Satan's cunning way of suppressing God from an entire lineage. Unless someone stops or breaks the chain, usually it keeps going on and on through the family. I don't even need a college degree for people to know that's true. Any victim of molestation knows that an abuser most times becomes an abuser themselves, unless they get healing and break that chain.

Unlike alcoholism though, people do not view homosexuality as something that needs to be addressed, fixed or changed, because it is all about love, right? Wrong. Homosexuality, even in countries where it is embraced, creates more depressed, addicted, abused, self loathing people, because it is NOT a healthy or normal lifestyle. Even if you are accepted to be a beautiful creation by God as an active homosexual (by deceived clergy), your lifespan and health are in grave danger, and there is a plethora of research on the matter, because the human body was not made for it and people turn their heads to the research, for fear of the chance of being called hateful bigots, that just wish steal the love away from these poor individuals that can't help how they feel.

Why will you embrace an alcoholic, or drug addict and try to heal the imbalances, that they cannot help from having either, but let the homosexual most likely die an early and self-hated death!?

Mostly I believe it is because Christians are so hated because they believe what God has ordained as sin is hateful towards them, and they don't understand the rest of the Bible, nor will they take the time try to understand, that they would much rather turn hatred towards the very people that want to show them God's love and help them.

Even if you can't accept the Christian viewpoint, homosexuals will blatantly abuse Christians and say they deserve it, all while calling themselves the loving side of humanity. How laughable that is!

Instead of picking another baker, two lesbians were allowed to make terroristic threats against innocent children of Christian bakers that refused to bake their wedding cake, but the bakers endured fines and had to go out of business. Why did they not just go to another business!? Because this is a godless nation calling for the eradication of those that believe in God, and what His Word warns Satan will use to destroy them with.

God warns because He loves you, not to spoil your fun or rob you of false 'love', but most ppl love their own desires more than they love God to see that. Just as the drunk has no choice in being tempted to drink, the homosexual has no choice to be tempted to be gay. But they all have a choice to choose God's healing! God made neither of them for sin, He made them for much better things that include healthy lives.

Whether gay ppl will accept it or not, God DOES heal homosexuality from the hearts and minds of those that desire it. But they refuse to believe this and then turn even more hateful upon those people, because it proves it is in FACT your choice who you love. Rather than be happy for someone that lived a lifestyle that was ripping their soul apart, and they were healed of it, they call them liars and fakes when their lives are made whole for THEM!

Gay people want accepted and want tolerance while they are some of the most bigoted, hateful, intolerant people I encounter!

If Christianity is not a message you want to accept, I'm the last person that would drive it down your throat. God Himself said that not all would believe, He gave you freedom to choose what you believe because He loves you,and doesn't force REAL love upon you. However,when you reject His love letter, the Bible, and the warnings of how Satan would ruin mankind, He will not help you to sin. His realness surrounds you, whether you see it or not.

I do not condone bullying of gays, hatred of any kind, but i find it so sad that people that want and need love, reject it.

You can find plenty of lying churches that say that it isn't a sin, but when it causes so much destruction on humanity, it's considered a risky sexual lifestyle in the medical world, how can you even think it is 'normal'?

It is, if anything, Satan's gene of lies.