Friday, May 27, 2011

Open My Eyes Lord!

I have always enjoyed nature, even before I started a closer walk with God, nature amazed me. The experience of nature has always been soothing, and beckoning, almost begging me to look deeper into what was in front of my face. Now, as I try to get closer to God, I find, that nature sparks even more wonder and awe in my spirit, and an even greater desire to know more.

I find it to be breathtaking, to think of all of creation, living things and non living things alike, and then think about how they all depend on each other to survive. Every creation that God made has a purpose, and He made everything with purpose. I think upon this so many times, especially when I read of endangered species, or man made disasters that threaten our wildlife and habitat. Not one creation is without purpose. Not one. And God gave them all for us to take care of, but I believe there is a also important lessons about God in nature, as well.

I often watch the birds as they sing and play, look for food, and on occasion get into nasty bird battles in my yard. I name birds that I see often, and learn their habits and quirks as though they are a friend, given to me by God to love and enjoy. They are such frail little creatures, yet they live on so vividly. 

All the bird knows how to do is be a bird, and while he is being a bird, I realize, he is glorifying God by being what God created him to be. Just like the bird, we need to immerse ourselves in God's Word, so that we may learn about His will, and give opportunity to hear Him speak to our hearts.

Even as the bird just goes on through the day, he is doing God's work. There are so many blessings these little birds have given to me, but by far, showing me God's love is my favorite of them all.

As the bird flies about, and eats berries, God is thinking about so much more than just the bird's hunger. In that act, the act of feeding itself, the bird will deposit the seeds of the berries in it's droppings, and more berries will grow for other birds to eat. Most would overlook a blessing in a pile of bird droppings, but God spoke to me through one!

While we go on about our lives, we feel that the bad things in our lives are like droppings, just mere filth and trash that is vile and to be cleaned away. But God shows me that even though Satan wishes to put piles and piles of droppings in our lives, to discourage and beat us down, make us feel unworthy and filthy, He plans to bring a blessing out of any bad thing that may happen. He promises us that He will work all bad things to our good, whether it be in this lifetime, or eternity with Him, we can be SURE He does not go without noticing our obedience (Jeremiah 29:11). All He wants is for us to trust Him, wait on His timing, and KNOW He will give what He promises.

God is in everything that is around us, and He is waiting to show us His love in so many endless ways. My prayer is that I may be still enough to know that He is God, so that I will not miss His gentle whispers to my soul


  1. Hey Bekkah
    This is a fantastic post. I love the way you use His creation to tell a story about His love for us - even bird droppings. Isn't God great? He speaks to us through everything - we just need to listen.
    Thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for your comment, I am in awe at how God speaks through everything in our lives, if we would just see it. May He bless you greatly, again, thank you for reading and commenting! God bless!
