Sunday, April 3, 2016

The things That I See

Daily I am astounded by the things that this world allows to go on unnoticed or unchanged, bad things that affect the futures of not only ourselves but our children. It saddens me greatly, because the worse that it gets, the more desensitized we have let ourselves become to it all.
The more blood and gore in a game, the higher the ratings are, and those silly little age warnings are ignored and little Johnny gets to watch and in some cases even play, these too much to life like games. Robbing, stealing, killing and even raping, all become the norm. Or you become the "good guy" by killing zombies, all while little Suzy is sitting there watching the blood and gore. What is this truly doing to our kids? It is in the least desensitizing them to the awful things that they are seeing in these games, but also what does it tell them about life itself? I can't help but sit and wonder these things, because we as adults, allow it to get worse, all for what? Entertainment? That's what entertainment has become? A mass collection of hatred, murder, guts and gore? Is this truly who we have become as people?
That's just the games, the tv and magazine ads and content has gotten so terrible that most of it is just plain shameful at the very least. Mostly bare skinned women on almost every cover because we adults have to have our fill of entertainment at it's best and advertisers know, sex sells. Who cares what mental damage it does to the children and how much it feeds the sick desires of the rapist or psychopath that just feeds on that kind of thing. There is so much I could write on it would take weeks.
I can't claim innocence, I swore in front of the kids, and did things that I should not have done, however I have since given my life to God, and praises be to Him that He has healed me of a lot of sins that I had in the past. This is part of why it bothers me so much. I also took part in getting society that feared God, to one that will not even hear a negative word about their negative behavior. All because they have their rights to see all of the nearly naked women, drink all of the booze they want to, or play the most horrid games, and watch the most demonic things on tv as they like. And it's sadly true, you do have the right to.
That is the point to this post. The Bible says that all things are lawful to me, but not all things are expedient, or good for you. that is in 1 Corinthians 6:12 if you would like to look it up. It says to not come under anything's power, like become addicted or have to have something over God. Nothing should take the place of God. You should not let anything take control over you, but the Holy Spirit.
In our society, sex, drinking, drugs, and a whole host of things have pushed God aside. Now it is a firm "You can't judge me" if you talk about sin or repenting. All people want to hear about is the loving side of God, Which is the most amazing love you will ever find. But NO ONE wants to hear about the side of God that is a consuming fire. HE will judge you, and that should scare you out of your shoes.
The person that is lovingly trying to save you from sin and offer you a better way, and that's through walking with Christ and giving your life to Him, they are not judging you at all. They have looked at what you are doing and if it goes against God's word, they are trying to save you from Hell!That's an act of love, my friends. That's not trying to throw or cast a stone at you, it's trying to save you from Hell itself, and that is an eternity that you do not want.
Jesus said that not only is adultery a sin, but looking upon another man or woman in a lustful manner is also the same as if you would have committed the sin itself. We must check our behavior and love and obey Him in body, mind and spirit. It is not going to happen ourselves. It will only happen if you truly submit yourself to Him, and read the Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to change you through the teaching that you learn in the word.
My friends, if you do not want to listen to my words, that's your God given right not to, however if you want to change the world for a better place for our children and save them and yourself from Hell, please pray to Jesus and ask Him how you can change your life, what is it in your life that needs to be given to Him so that you an live a happy and fulfilled life in Him. This world is not going to get better unless we humble ourselves and give ourselves to Him. Ask Jesus to be your Guiding Light in this darkened world, and be your Savior. I only tell you this to save you for what is coming, Judgement is coming, it is not going to go away because you simply believe that the 'god' you believe in is only a god of love, because God has to have judgement against evil to be a loving god. and our Father in Heaven will judge the evil of this world as He has done before. He has not done anything out of hate, God cannot hate, GOD IS LOVE! Therefore, I am asking you to go against the crowd, and follow the narrow path. Few will find it. Will I? Will you? I pray we will show ourselves worthy!

God bless you
April 3, 2016