The love I have, it's stored somewhere
I know it is, for I feel it there,
Yet so big it is, the love I feel
That a container for it can't be real.
There's no end to where it goes,
Or how gentle that it flows.
There is no requirement for it to be had,
It is just what makes my heart so glad.
Though sometimes it's not returned,
It's my love that never gets burned,
For love is gentle, soft and free,
Something hurts could never empty.
Take my love with you through life,
Knowing I'm here, through all of your strife,
Keep it close, you may need it sometime,
It's yours forever, for all of time.
One day I'll be gone, no longer around,
But my love around you, it will surround,
That's the beauty of God you see,
He is love, and He bonds you to me.
Keep God close at all times through,
And I'll be with Him right there with you,
God is love, such beauty and grace,
In Him is our special hiding place.
When I am gone and you miss me,
Know I'm happy with Him and free,
Love Him more than you did before,
As I watch down on you, those I adore.