How Dare We Think We Know Better?
In all of my life, I have never seen so many people challenge what God wrote in the Bible. Yes, God had man write what is in the Bible. But God inspired every word and every placement of each word for our benefit.
I am speaking to Christians of today, which seems to be a falling number as the days go by. People that are willing to believe that Christ died on the cross and rose three days later so that we can be free from the chains that sin had on our life. Chains that we brought into our own lives, He paid for willingly, and that His Word is our Truth to live by. I am not speaking to the people that do not believe in Christ, although I would hope that you would come to know Him and how much He loves you and what He gave for your righteousness that you do not even deserve. He loves you so much that He died for you!
All one has to do is turn on the news, the very biased news at that, and see that we are in very dire times. It is actually dangerous time for Christians. We love Jesus with all of our hearts and yet there are so many Christians that will have the nerve to turn away from what God has given to us as a blessing, His Holy Bible. Even reading what the Bible says about how men will turn away from the truth, they turn away from the very truth that is written before them just so they can coddle their flesh, just so they can have their own way, without even realizing that God has given these instructions for our very own good, for our very own life, for our souls to live forever. Not to die in the Lake of Fire.
I find it all very fascinating actually, I used to wonder how the falling away could actually happen. How could people look away from God knowing that it was going to happen ahead of time? How could this happen? Flesh. Our own desires. Our own greed. If we do not bow down before God and ask and beg and plead for our forgiveness, our lives will come to a very horrible end.
Perhaps the horrible news has something to do with that, perhaps they are afraid to stand up for God, and perhaps they are just a part of the deceiving ways of Satan, the falling away. Whatever the reason may be, just know that if you will stand for God to the end He will lift you up and He will glorify you, and you will live for eternity with Him
This world has become more enticed by the fleshly desires and it has ever in all of time. Our children grow up seeing more nudity than they should have the horror of having to witness. Their innocence is taken before they are even able to be innocent. It breaks my heart for the children today. The sin that fills our lives that they have no control over ruins their chances of having a normal life before it even begins, it breaks my broken heart for them into more bits.
What is wrong with what God has commanded, what is wrong with the love that He has shown, what is wrong with Him warning us of what Satan would trick us with? Nothing! There is nothing wrong with the Bible, it is with our dark heart and our dark desires that are lacking in seeing the love that God has given in the pages of the Bible. Our hearts sees it as harshness, as a lack of fun and excitement. When the truth is that if we would walk within It's walls we would know peace and happiness beyond what we could ever imagine in this world. And then comes the next world! Is it not worth it?! I refuse not to find out!
You cannot call yourself a Christian, and not try to live as the Holy Spirit leads you to live. But you're only fooling yourself if you try. The Holy Spirit would never tell you to live a life contrary to the Bible and what it teaches. The Bible itself tells you that is how you know the false prophets from the true. They will teach you the opposite of what the Bible says. How this plain truth can go past the eyes of people I do not understand other than they have a veil across their eyes. They have a veil of wanting sin across their faces that they refuse to accept the truth of what God has mandated in the Bible as good and evil.
The Bible is clear that man's ways are not God's ways, and though we may not understand that or want to accept that, God only wants the best for us, He created us out of love, and when He returns for us, anything you could have imagined as good on this planet, in this life, means nothing compared to what is to come. If you will only trust Him.
God loves each and everyone of us, though each and every one of us sins. Myself included. Just because we sin, it does not mean that He made us that way. He made us perfect and we allowed sin into our lives, we allow death into our lives, and He gave His only begotten Son to fix that. If you do not accept Christ as your Savior you cannot accept the title Christian, and if you do not accept the title of Christian with a heart of repentance, you are but a mere actor, you are not a Christian.
Judge what is right and wrong for yourself by the Bible's Words and live as God asks, not as you wish, I'd love to worship Him in Heaven some day alongside you. Judging ppl is His job, and He will be doing it soon. Pray, along with me, to be strong enough to stand for Him on that day.
Those that speak out against sin do not hate you or anyone else, they are trying to save other souls from the grips of the devil. Satan knows his time is short, so those speaking against sin are not speaking against people, they are speaking for people. God bless and keep you all.