Am I weak? Yes, I sure am, as a human being I am weak and am a sinner. There's no escaping that, and I won't try, in fact everyday I am faced with the horrible truth of the things I have done, or do, or might even do. Does that mean I am condemned to being weak in my life? NO!
I am weak, yes, my human spirit is, but in my faith, I AM STRONG! When I am weak, Christ Jesus steps in and gives me the help I so desperately need! He will do that for anyone who calls upon His name! How amazingly loving is that, that God would offer us a way out of our weakness, and into His strength!? Beyond description, my friends!
People might ask why I feel so strongly as I do, and perhaps even say I am wrong. I do not mind and for the most part I like to keep peace with others, ESPECIALLY in religious matters. Why? Why not scream and holler at people to make them see what I see? Because that is clearly NOT my job as a Christian, or even as a human being.
God gave us ALL free will! He doesn't want to force anyone into believing He loves them, and He doesn't want to force anyone to accept His way, either, however He wants so desperately for us to come to Him, and obey Him, so that He may be able to help and bless us through this life, and usher us into the next, Eternity with Him.
Only God can turn a heart to Him, nothing I can say will change the heart of any man or woman, and I accept that. Regretfully so, for I wish I could make every single person feel the peace and love, and the forgiveness and acceptance that I have felt, but alas, each person must experience it for themselves, each person has the right of free will, freedom to believe what they will, and I nor anyone else has the right to take that away from anyone!
I try to remain peaceful with all people, I fail miserable a lot, and I admit that. I try not to, as it discredits the message of Love from God, through Christ Jesus, but I am human and I am trying to become a better person, and God is patient, thank You God! No matter how peaceful I wish to remain, however, it is still my duty and my HONOR to represent Jesus to anyone who comes into my life. As I said, I am not perfect, and do Jesus injustice sometimes with my behavior, but I ask forgiveness and try to overcome my weaknesses.
I wish for all of humanity to come to know Jesus, but even God has written in His Word that many will be deceived. I must accept this, and realize just how much it must hurt God that people would reject His perfect love, for their own ideas and beliefs. It must hurt Him deeply, and even still, He loves us so much, that He isn't going to MAKE anyone believe in Him, but rather, He calls to our hearts with a tender, loving voice!
Sometimes I must seem passive in my faith, and that is just not the way I feel. I am on fire for how Jesus has helped me, and if you're interested, drop me a message, I'd love to share some of my story with you, but my story continues, for I am nowhere near perfect, and admit so.
I pray that my actions may not hinder anyone's ability to see Jesus as He is. I believe it is a grave sin to portray Jesus incorrectly and I also pray that God will align me with His Word. I am not perfect, but the Savior that I worship and love IS perfect!
I do not condemn anyone that doesn't believe as I do, for it is NOT my job to judge anyone, only to judge my own actions, and try to align them with God's Word, and His commands. I love everyone, as God has created each and every person, and I love His amazing ways, I love His Creation, I love God! Therefore, I love you all, no matter what you believe, I pray that the Light of God may shine upon your hearts, and that you may hear His still small voice calling you Home.
God bless and keep you all, and may you forgive my weaknesses, as I strive to grow stronger.